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  • Carrie Jankowski

USPS Postalexperience Customer Survey

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

PostalExperience survey is offered by USPS (United States Postal Service) to help them understand their customer opinion. In this survey you can submit your feedback or complaint about USPS services or personnels. .You can participate in this survey by visiting

PostalExperience Customer Feedback Survey at

PostalExperience Customer Feedback Survey

If you are a variable customer of USPS and want to take part in this survey you have come to the right place. In this post we will provide full details on how to fill up the PostalExperience survey .

But before We do that let's check out some facts and details.

USPS Postal Experience Survey Details

USPS Postal Experience Feedback is an online survey which is offered by the United States Postal Service. It is also known as Postal Experience Survey.

Any customer of USPS can take part in this survey in order to provide their experience about United States Postal Service representatives Or Services.

How To Fill Up The USPS Postal Experience Survey at

  1. First open your browser and load Official website of USPS Postal Experience which is Or Click Here

  2. Now you will have to select your preferred language. There will be two options English and Spanish. Select one and press the next button.

  3. Read the details about the survey and press next.

  4. Enter your zip code from the receipt.

  5. Select your usps center located near you and press next.

  6. Enter the date of purchase given in receipt.

  7. Now you will be asked some feedback questions and answer them as you like.

  8. Once you finish answering all the questions you will see a “Thank You” message. Which means your survey is complete. And you will be redirected to the homepage.

Once you redirect to the homepage you can close your browser.

Postalexperience Video Guide

How to Talk To USPS Customer Service Executive

If you have any complaints which can not be solved by just a feedback survey, In that case you talk to usps custom service executive directly through a call.

If you don’t know how to connect to USPS Customer Service though phone don’t worry. We have provided a step by step guide on how to talk to the USPS customer service team.

  1. Call the Postal customer service phone number which is 1-800-275-8777.

  2. You will be asked to enter your current location zip code.

  3. After entering your zip you will hear prompts about privacy policy just say “NO” and continue the call.

  4. You will hear some more prompts with some other voice commands.

  5. When you hear these other options prompts, speak out “Carrier”.

  6. And your call will be connected to one of the USPS Customer Service Executive.

You can also request for a callback if you or all the USPS Customer Service Executive

Are busy.


This is it we have provided all the information you need to fill out the PostalExperience survey online though

We hope you will not face any problem after reading our guide but if you still face any problem. You can contact us through our comment section.

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